Medical Information
North East Medical Services
North East Medical Services (NEMS) is a non-profit community health center serving the medically-underserved populations of the San Francisco Bay Area. With over 40 years of experience, NEMS is one of the largest health centers serving Asians in the United States.
Primary Care
Medical Specialties
DentalOptometryBehavioral HealthHealth EducationPharmacy
Location Clinic:1520 Stockton St. S.F. CA 94133 Tel: 1(415)391-9686
Chinese Hospital
Located in San Francisco, is a unique healthcare provider with a long and rich history of providing access to culturally competent health care services for the Chinese Community. Chinese Hospital is a 54 bed, acute care, community-owned, non-profit hospital offering a wide range of medical, surgical and specialty programs. Chinese Hospital exists primarily to deliver quality health care in a cost-effective way, is responsive to the community's ethnic and cultural uniqueness and, is accessible to all socioeconomic levels.
Cardiopulmonary Services Chinese Medicine and Wellness Services Community Clinics Community Health Needs Assessment Disaster Preparedness Education Emergency Services Hepatitis B Program Immunization Services Laboratory Services Memory and Aging Outpatient Medical Therapy Center Pharmacy Services Radiology Services Same Day Surgery and Endoscopy Services Support Health Services
Location: 854 Jackson St. S.F. CA 94133 Tel: 1(415)982-2400
City college of San Francisco
China Town/North Beach Center
Center Information
Educational programs at the Chinatown/North Beach Center include credit and noncredit classes: noncredit ESL, Home Health Aide, credit and noncredit Business. The new Chinatown/North Beach Center is also home for many other credit classes -- Math, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Nutrition, Fashion, Astonomy, Health Sciences and Foreign Languages. The new Chinatown/North Beach Center is located in the heart of San Francisco's Chinatown, sharing the border of the Financial District and North Beach. The total square feet is 186, 764 and has a library, a book store, and Culinary program. The Center is comprised of two buildings, the main building at 808 Kearny Street and an Annex located at 628 Washington Street.
General Information
(415) 395-8600
808 Kearny St. at Washington St.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Down Town
Address: 88 4th Street San Francisco CA 94103
Chinese Newcomers Service Center
Provides multilingual services that help Chinese immigrants adapt to
Life in the United States. CNSC serves as a bridge between the two
Cultures, enhancing the physical, mental, social and economic well-being of immigrants, thus facilitating their efforts to become self-sufficient, contributing members of the community.
Services: Information Referral, Immigration and Naturalization,
Financial Literacy, Class and Seminars, Form Filling Service,
Telecommunication ( T.E.A.M.) Workforce Development
Tel: (415)421-2111 Address: 777 Stockton St. #104 S.F.CA 94108
Email: cnsc@chinesenewcomers.org
Self help for the elderly
Since 1966, Self-Help for the Elderly has provided assistance and support to seniors in the San Francisco area. We provide trustworthy and devoted care for seniors to promote their independence, dignity and self-worth. Our non-profit services and companionship help guide seniors to wellness and happiness. We want to contribute to longer, healthier, more purposeful lives for seniors.
Services: Health & Home Care, Senior Housing, Activity Center, Employment Services, Social Services, Cleaning Services, Nutrition, HICAP
Tel: (415)677-7600 Hours on Monday-Friday 9:00 am -6:00 pm
Address: 731 Sansome St. Suite 100 S.F. CA 94111
Asian Woman’s Shelter
Crisis line: (415) 751-0880
Counseling, advocacy, emergency shelter and support services for battered women and their children .Specialized services for non-English speaking Asian women and their children.
Address: 3543 18th St. #19 S.F., CA 94110
Ph: (415) 751-7110 www.sfaws.org