漫漫攝影(11) 舊金山市政廰 2016年7月8日 圖/文 林凱斌 (Herbert Lam)
Hazel-100439 07/08 60226

舊金山市政大廈是我們重要的地標亦是攝影者最愛, 每天早上9時左右便會見到多輛的旅遊巴士, 把祖國的同胞放下拍攝一下我們市中心的景色, 我不是旅客而是地地道的老華僑, 每經此處都會像旅客一樣, 按下快門留念。
San Francisco City Hall is one of our important landmark and is a tourist spot for photographic opportunity, Every morning at around 9 AM we can see quite a few big buses load of tourists came from Asian countries, I am not a tourist but I am still attract by the beauty of our City Hall, I took this image on July 3, 2016.